Web Apps Since 2004.

Is your website boring?  Kick it up a notch.  Encodable apps easily drop into your website to make it modern, fun, and interactive, with features like file uploads, user accounts, paid subscriptions, protected pages, live chat, visitor logging, mailing lists, and more.
All Encodable apps include:
• Easy setup
• Lifetime license
• Free tech support
• Full customizability

About Us


Encodable Industries is an IT company based outside Allentown, Pennsylvania, offering web apps, web design & development, and computer repair.  Thanks to the global nature of the internet, we are able to provide most of our services worldwide.  We have clients as close as Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and as far away as Germany, Africa & Brazil.

Breaking out of the plural business-speak for a moment: my name is Anthony DiSante, and I founded Encodable in 2004, but it had existed in a less unified form for a few years prior to that.  I've been repairing PCs since 1997, and programming websites since 1999.  I worked at two great computer shops on opposite ends of Pennsylvania; both of these were privately-owned local businesses that inspired me to create my own company.  On the web-development front, in addition to selling thousands of apps and designing websites for family, friends, and businesses, I have worked as a Perl CGI programmer and system administrator for the Penn State Bioinformatics Laboratory.

At Encodable, I create the apps, write the code, do the installations, and provide the support, so you can rest assured that if you need help, you'll get it directly from the source.  And my clients consistently tell me that the service I provide is as impressive if not moreso than the apps themselves.  Thanks, guys.

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Client Quotes

FileChucker is helping drive the backend of several high profile entertainment sites for people like Shania Twain and Dolly Parton.  We're also using it to drive backend file uploads for a multi-billion dollar banking institution.  It's a great product.  We've tried other "chucking" upload solutions with progress bars using flash and php, but nothing works as reliably as FileChucker.
– Michael W.
Do you know how rare it is to have a "canned" shopping cart that can easily do complex pricing options on a single item?  Basically, they don't exist!  I have looked.  Everywhere!  And the few that might even come close to CornerStore's functionality cost a fortune!
– Tashina P.
Just one word: Fantastic.  10-minute job to plug FileChucker into my app, and it now works a treat.  It's through the hard work by people like yourselves that make my job so much easier.  Congratulations on an outstanding product... Many many thanks.
– Sean F.