
Uploader with Progress Bar, File Manager & Multi-User Support

Need to transfer files to/from your website?  FileChucker makes it easy.  Fun, even.  Whether for customer files, or just your own, FileChucker is the solution.
FileChucker Screenshot

FileChucker: file uploads, solved.

Cut out the hassleManually processing uploads, and old-school transfer methods like email and FTP, are a drag.
Stop frustrating your usersIs this going? How long will it take?? With no progress bar, who knows?
Confused customers don't returnGive them real-time feedback and instant email notification upon transfer completion.
Be the heroWith the quick and easy solution. Because happy customers are repeat customers.


  • Uploader with progress bar, file manager & multi-user support
  • Secure uploads and downloads on your own website
  • Fully customizable with your own logo, text, etc
  • Bypasses all PHP upload limits
  • Quick & easy installation
  • Free tech support
  • Much more...
  • Great for Audio Engineers, Print Shops, and anyone who needs to send, receive, or share files!


FileChucker is an AJAX-based web application that lets you accept file uploads on your own website.  It's simple to install, packed with features, fully configurable, nice looking, and very handy for when you want to share files with anyone, or accept files from anyone.  And during uploads FileChucker shows a progress bar & table, so the user knows how much time is left before the upload is complete.

FileChucker can also function as a full-fledged online file manager for your server: it can allow moving/renaming/deleting of uploaded files & folders right in the browser.  Of course these features are configurable and password-protectable so you can customize FileChucker however you'd like.

FileChucker works in all major browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE, Opera), and runs on virtually any server, with no programming required.  We recommend Dreamhost, and we also like Bluehost and Media Temple, but we've installed FileChucker many times on just about every host out there.  And FileChucker integrates easily into WordPress, Joomla, and any other PHP page, yet it also allows you to upload huge files — working around PHP's upload size limits — because it's written in Perl rather than PHP.


  • Easy integration with WordPress, Joomla, and any other PHP page on your site
  • Works around PHP's upload size limitations, allowing huge uploads on most servers
  • Share files that are too large for e-mail by simply uploading them and then sending the link to your friend; or be your own personal cloud to access your files anytime, anywhere
  • Real-time progress bar and time elapsed/remaining during uploads
  • Built-in password protection: two separate passwords allow "admin" and "member" access levels without usernames; or, integrate with UserBase or your site's existing login system
  • If you don't want to bother with passwords at all, FileChucker can also be configured to automatically create a private directory for each upload, perfect for single-use uploads; the private directory is optionally re-usable for new uploads by the user who created it
  • Integrates with CornerStore so you can quickly and easily sell products and services based on your uploaded files
  • E-mail notification of new uploads; can be sent to the webmaster and/or to the person performing the upload
  • Create, move, rename, and delete files/folders on your server through the browser, functioning as a web-based FTP system or FTP replacement
  • Multiple folders/subfolders for uploads, optionally user-creatable
  • Can function as a photo gallery script, with automatic image thumbnailing, image rotation, and a grid-layout display of your photo albums and thumbnails
  • Supports custom folder permissions so you can specify read-only or read-write access for users/groups on a per-folder basis
  • Can automatically rename all uploaded files to remove any "unfriendly" characters, append a time/datestamp, or rename to a completely custom format that you specify
  • Logs information about each upload, like uploader's IP address, hostname, browser & operating system
  • You can configure unlimited custom form fields anywhere on the upload form, so your users can enter comments or information about the file(s) they're uploading; supports text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists
  • Can integrate with your site's login framework to store each user's uploads in his own directory automatically, and after an upload, can redirect to a page that you specify
  • Restrict what kinds of files can be uploaded and/or displayed based on file extension
  • Has a built-in human test to prevent spambot abuse (sometimes called a CAPTCHA system; "CAPTCHA" is (TM) by Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Works on a standard server or a secure server (https://)
  • Supports i18n and l10n (internationalization and localization) in most areas of the application, so it can be translated into other languages by simply modifying the settings containing the text strings
  • Adjustable max upload size (in bytes), up to as large as your server can support (typically multiple gigabytes)
  • Adjustable user quotas
  • Can upload one or multiple files, up to whatever limit you specify
  • Fully customizable via preferences that you can adjust
  • Check out the preferences file in the free version to see some of the adjustable features and documentation.
  • Many more features, and if you don't see what you need, just ask – we can probably add it.


You can download the FileChucker Free version and install it on your site right now.  FileChucker Free has a fully-functional upload page with multi-file support, and a basic download page.  For advanced features including password protection, email notifications, custom folder permissions, private folders, custom form fields, database storage, and a full-featured download page with copy/move/delete support, image/video thumbnails and much more, get the FileChucker full version.

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Client Quotes

I just wanted to say that yours is the first product that I've tested so far that hasn't failed on handling uploads.  This is going to work for a print company, so they are handling nothing but large files and all the other solutions I've tried so far have not been reliable.  So far yours has been 100% successful in my tests.
– Kevin H.
I just installed the demo of your product and got it up and running in no time.  I searched high and low for a decent login script and thank God I found yours.
– Adrian F.
You've done a wonderful job with FileChucker and UserBase, and they have made a big difference to how our website runs.
– Nicholas H.
FileChucker is working great...  Clients love it.  Vendors love it.  We love it.
– Gerry W.
Nice script, it's saving the day on our project.
– Aaron W.
Do you know how rare it is to have a "canned" shopping cart that can easily do complex pricing options on a single item?  Basically, they don't exist!  I have looked.  Everywhere!  And the few that might even come close to CornerStore's functionality cost a fortune!
– Tashina P.
The work, the thought and the organization you put into this app is incredible.
– Bruce C.
Thank you VERY much for all of your help.  You've really impressed me.  We have support agreements for other software that costs thousands of dollars / year (just for the support), and most of them aren't as helpful as you have been.
– Keith Y.
The amount of customization in the program is incredible.  I was able to integrate it into my existing page layout relatively simply.  I was also able to easily customize the look/feel to match the current site.
– Jason M.
FileChucker is a great drop-in solution for file uploads, and worth every penny of its very reasonable cost.  Encodable's support is excellent to boot.
– Loren A.
Thanks again for a great product and great support - beyond expectations.
– Greg S.
I looked all over trying to find a simple cgi script.  I found that FileChucker was by far the best.  If you have issues with your hosting service's php.ini max upload size then this is the way to go.  Looking forward to future enhancements.
– Bob C.
I just want to say you guys really stand alone in that you have a quality product and you provide genuine customer service.  It's sad but those qualities are seldom found separately, much less together.  Thanks again for your time and help.
– Alex S.
Why didn't I just do this from the get-go?  So much easier.  Thanks for your work.  FileChucker makes my work easier.
– Dominic M.
I want to thank you for your efforts on Userbase. It has become an integral part of our business and has allowed us to branch out and begin using automation on a lot of our processes. Userbase has become the gateway to advancement for our company's processes for our clients and employees.
FileChucker is helping drive the backend of several high profile entertainment sites for people like Shania Twain and Dolly Parton.  We're also using it to drive backend file uploads for a multi-billion dollar banking institution.  It's a great product.  We've tried other "chucking" upload solutions with progress bars using flash and php, but nothing works as reliably as FileChucker.
– Michael W.
Just one word: Fantastic.  10-minute job to plug FileChucker into my app, and it now works a treat.  It's through the hard work by people like yourselves that make my job so much easier.  Congratulations on an outstanding product... Many many thanks.
– Sean F.
Our members think your software is fantastic...  I would recommend your software and your company to anyone.  Thanks for all your help.  It has been a pleasure dealing with you.
– Tommy A.